quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

"I live to catch a wave and ride."

Conferindo o blog dos amigos novaiorquinos do Endlessbummerny, conheci a sonoridade de pegada minimalista & roots desse ambientalista americano.

Jim, 55 anos, é músico, advogado ambiental e homem de família (como prefere definir-se!). Atua como analista de políticas hídricas e florestais na organização AquAlliance, no norte da Califórnia. Engajado na defesa das águas da bacia do Rio Sacramento, sua luta pela restauração do maior estuário norte-americano: a Baía de San Francisco e Delta do Sacramento/San Joaquin, passa antes de tudo pela geração de condições favoráveis à agricultura familiar, às comunidades locais, riachos, rios, flora e fauna nativa.

Jim em perfeita harmonia nas águas claras do Pacífico!


 "Water means life." [AquAlliance]

A belíssima canção abaixo, descreve de maneira sensível e poética, a técnica subaquática que as focas e os golfinhos empregam para percorrer as ondas do oceano.

Com vocês: Bodysurfing (like a seal)!


Out at the ocean on a hot summer afternoon.
Glassy waves rolling in around the point by the dune.
Strap my fins on my feet, trunks tight on my waist.
I'm gonna go swimming, catch a couple of waves.
I love to catch a wave and ride.

Dip in the water waking me up to the world.
Slipping through the turbulence like a moray eel.
Out to where the waves are thick and the deep water's clear.
Gonna ride it on the inside, just like a seal.
I live to catch a wave and ride.

Kick with your feet, rudder with your hands.
Point your head in the direction you're going and kick your swim.
The wave will shoot you parallel to the shore.
Stay on the inside make it easy to get some more.
It's easy to catch a wave and ride.

Moan of the humpback, click of the cobble shells.
That's the music that I hear when I'm waiting for the swell.
Rhythm of the ocean much like the rhythm of life.
One minute treading water, the next swimming for the light.
It's worth it to catch a wave and ride.

Out at the ocean on a hot summer afternoon.
Glassy waves rolling in around the point by the dune.
Strap my fins on my feet, trunks tight on my waist.
I'm gonna go swimming, catch a thousand waves.
I love to catch a wave and ride.

2 comentários:

  1. Living too far from the see, I don't practice surfing but I remember that when starting lonskating, about 4 years ago, I has steel guitar in mind.

    Thanks for the music

  2. That's It, Man! it realy is!!! Bodysurfing is to be a seal for a couple of moments. He, he!
